Saturday, December 20, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ultimate Olympics

"The world gives us 17 days, we give the world 5,000 years of history." quoted one policeman in Beijing during Discovery Channel's Ultimate Olympics. He claimed to have learnt 14 languages in preparation for Beijing Olympics 2008.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

About Change

God grant me
the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change.
The Courage to change
the things I can
and the Wisdom
to know the difference.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


It has been my routine ever since my father admitted into Ling Kwang Home 2002. I would either visit him when the family visits their parent-in-law or when my son is having his badminton practice.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Eulogy for my Beloved Father Gan Tiong Kim 颜长金

Losing a father is something that most of us have to go through at certain point in our lives. When it happens to you, it does not make it any easier.
My father is in essence a very typical Chinese. We know he is there for us but we don’t know him that much. He is always working as he is running a tea trading business and the hours are very long. One of our fondest memories in our younger days of him is when he brings home supper late in the evening. Singapore is not the place that we know it today. Char kway teow was served on palm leaves, and for soup noodle, you have to bring your own pot. From the suppers that we share, we can feel he truly loves us but he did not have much time for us.
My father is considered very charming during his age, as a businessman, he has many friends and he joined many clans and associations. Although it may be of commercial reason but he generously helped many people. He may be at times too generous. When he was questioned why he gave time and money to help strangers, father always says, it is for the children 积德. For every good deed he does, he earned points or credits for us. We know that he is just soft hearted, but it is soft heartedness that we love him. Sometimes, we don’t understand his decision but we know his intentions are good.
My father is a strong believer in education. He was not properly schooled, he did not finish secondary school, but he read many Chinese books on topics that interest him, mainly history, religion, geomancy. His Chinese language skill is considered high during his time. Not only he could read and write fluently, he also composed prose and poem. On my mother’s epitaph, he wrote
琴音金声夫思念 玉容长留儿女铭
The legacy he left behind in us. He made us all that we are today. Because of him, we have our education and we are very proud to be his children. We inherited his intelligence, his charm, compassion and love for life. Now, we have to say goodbye to him, but we are also happy that he is finally with our mother in Heaven.
Read by Elder Son Gan Yee Seng during cremation ceremony on 23 July 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Death of a Philosopher Epicurus

"Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist, death is not present, and when death is present, we no longer exist."
Philosopher Epicurus 342 - 270 BC

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don't Quit

When things go wrong
as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging
seems all uphill;
When the funds are low
and the debts are high;
And you want to smile,
but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you
down a bit,
Rest if you must,
but don't you quit.

Success is failure turn inside out,
The silver tint of
the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell
how close you are,
It maybe near when it seems a far.
So stick to the fight
when you're hardest hit,
Its when things go wrong
that you must not quit.

Author Unknown

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mealworm Experiment

My daughter's biology lesson is to observe how mealworm grows.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Spinal Anatomy Animation

View this video in order to learn more about the importance of spinal care.

When your spine is deformed, this is what happen.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Day at the Mandai Zoological Garden

Father's Day

Don't forget Father's Day this coming Sunday 15 June 2008. Hmmm, yummy.

Ballet Dance Troupe during Summer School

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Outer Space

Enjoy the view from outer space and the background music

Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Eat With Your Family" Day 2008

We ate home cooked scallop porridge for dinner on 23 May 2008. Even though it is a simple meal, imparting the value of eating together as a family will have a profound effect on our children.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

II Mare Movie Poster

Have you watch II Mare ?

According to the most popular interpretations of the film, there are two distinct timelines intertwined throughout most of the film. These two timelines are torn away from each other at the end of the film, causing the "bittersweet" nature of the ending.

The story begins with Eun-joo moving out of a house by the sea called "Il Mare". As she is leaving, she leaves a Christmas card in the mailbox, asking the next resident to please forward her mail to her. Sung-hyun, an architectural student, receives her card, but is puzzled, since he is the first resident at "Il Mare" and the card is dated 2 years in the future. After a series of back and forth correspondences, Eun-joo and Sung-hyun realize they are living 2 years apart, Eun-joo in the year 2000 and Sung-hyun in the year 1998. After some testing, Eun-joo and Sung-hyun discover that the mailbox at "Il Mare" is enabling their communication and they can pass objects through it.

Utilizing the mailbox, Eun-joo asks Sung-hyun to retrieve a tape player she lost two years ago, which he gets for her. After his father, a noted architect, dies, Sung-hyun asks Eun-joo to buy a book about his father, which she does. They decide to try a date together, with each person participating in his or her own time. Eun-joo "takes" Sung-hyun to an amusement park, where he follows her instructions on how to have a good time at the park. Sung-hyun "takes" her to a restaurant where she drinks a bottle of wine he left for her two years ago. Despite having a lot of fun on these "dates", they decide that they should try to meet in person.

Eun-joo and Sung-hyun plan on meeting in person at a beach where she has always wanted to build a house, two years in Sung-hyun's future. However, when Eun-joo goes to the beach, Sung-hyun doesn't show. She does see a house being built on the beach for an unknown architect's lover. When Eun-joo tells Sung-hyun that he didn't come, he is baffled about why he didn't show up; he doesn't think he would have forgotten such an important date.

At Eun-joo's work, she runs into her ex-fiance. They were going to get married, but he moved abroad for work, while she stayed in Korea. Due to the separation, they eventually broke up and he married another person; however, Eun-joo still loves him. This meeting shocks Eun-joo and in an act of desperation, she asks Sung-hyun to intervene and stop her fiance from leaving two years in the past. After sending the letter to Sung-hyun, Eun-joo suddenly realizes, on that day, she witnessed a car striking a pedestrian and killing him. Eun-joo rushes to Sung-hyun's architectural school and finds out that Sung-hyun was that pedestrian and the house being built at the beach was designed by Sung-hyun for her. She immediately rushes to the mailbox and sends a letter telling him not to go.

The final scene returns to the beginning of the movie, where Eun-joo is about to place her Christmas card into the mailbox at "Il Mare". A stranger approaches her with a letter in his hand, the letter that Eun-joo sent warning Sung-hyun not to go to the meeting. Sung-hyun did receive her warning letter and never went to intervene that day and was never hit by the car. Although this Eun-joo (the one who twice ignores him at the train station) has no memory of the correspondence, Eun-joo and Sung-hyun finally meet.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To all mothers in the universe, happy Mother's day.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Science Experiment

Which will sink into a pail of water? Water melon or lime?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Japanese Food

No fat, low calories.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Snowball Effect

What I have learnt from my guitar teacher during my recent practice is the keywords "snowball effect". When you have practiced enough, it will come naturally when you learn to play a new song.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yum Cha Restaurant

Food gobbled up that night when we visited Chinatown.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Countdown to the 2012 Presidential Election

Countdown to PSLE

Countdown to O Level Examination

Countdown to A Level Examination 2011


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